Links by Chapter

Front Matter

Mavs Open Press (

Creative Commons Licenses (

UTA Libraries’ OER (

Pressbooks Accessibility Policy (

Open Education at UTA (

OER Adoption Form (

BCcampus Open Education Resources (

LINK Research Lab (

Chapter 2

Bringing out the Human in Synchronous and Asynchronous Media for Learning (

From Instructivism to Connectivism: Theoretical Underpinnings of MOOCs” by Matt Crosslin (

“Learning -agogy Overload” by Matt Crosslin (

“The Difference Between Instructivism, Constructivism, and Connectivism” by Terry Heick (

“Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age” by George Siemens (

“Maker Education: Pedagogy, Andragogy, Heutagogy” by Jackie Gerstein (

“Heutagogy and Lifelong Learning: A Review of Heutagogical Practice and Self-Determined Learning” by Lisa Marie Blaschke (

“Rhizomatic Education: Community as Curriculum” by Dave Cormier (

“A Primer on Writing Effective Learning-Centered Course Goals” by Robert K. Noyd (DFB) & The Staff of The Center for Educational Excellence (CEE) US Air Force Academy (

How to Write Learning Objectives that Meet Demanding Behavioral Criteria” by Bob Kizlik (

3 Key Characteristics of Competency Based Learning” by Deb Everhart (

What is Competency-Based Learning?” by TeachThought Staff (

Contrast checker (

MathML (

WebAIM (

W3C (

Guide on captions (

WebAIM screen reader simulation (

Chapter 3

Quality Matters Rubric (

Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Quality Course Teaching and Instructional Practice Scorecard (

Canvas (

Blackboard (

Moodle (

EdX (

Coursera (

WordPress (

WordPress as a classroom (

Moodle (

Reclaim Hosting (

Blackboard (

Google Classroom (

The Handbook of Learning Analytics (

“7 Ethical Concerns With Learning Analytics” By Jim Yupangco (

“’Personalized Learning’ and the Power of the Gates Foundation to Shape Education Policy” by Audrey Watters (

“Pedagogy and the Logic of Platforms” by Chris Gilliard (

Tressie McMillan Cottom (

LowerEd (

The work of Audrey Watters (

Hack Education (

Chris Gilliard’s work (

Digital Redlining (

Maha Bali (

Algorithms of Oppression by Safiya Umoja Noble (

Chapter 5

“Learning and Teaching as Communicative Actions: A Mixed-Methods Twitter Study” by Jenny S. Wakefield, Scott J. Warren, and Metta Alsobrook (

“Learning and Teaching as Communicative Actions: Improving Historical Knowledge and Cognition Through Second Life Avatar Role Play” by Jenny S. Wakefield, Scott J. Warren, Monica A. Rankin, Leila A. Mills, and Jonathan S. Gratch (

Theoretical Underpinnings of MOOCs” by Matt Crosslin (

The Community of Inquiry main website (

“Humanizing Online Learning” 2 week course by Michelle Pacansky-Brock (

Humanizing Online Learning and Teaching compilation edited by Whitney Kilgore (

Zoom (

Skype (

MIT’s Unhangout (

YouTube Live (

“What’s the Problem with Grades?” by Alfie Kohn (

“Why I Don’t Grade” by Jesse Stommel (

“12 Alternatives To Letter Grades In Education” by Terry Heick (

“Ungrading My Class – Reflections on a Second Iteration” by Maha Bali (

Chapter 6

“Toward Renewable Assessments” by David Wiley (

“Opting for Renewable Assessments” by Jason B. Jones (

“Renewable Assignments: Student Work Adding Value to the World” by Christina Hendricks (

Jim Groom’s ds106 (Digital Storytelling) course at the University of Mary Washington (UMW): assignment bank (

From Instructivism to Connectivism: Theoretical Underpinnings of MOOCs (

Chapter 7

micro podcasts from Dr. Peggy Semingson on the audio platform SoundCloud (

SoundCloud (

Audioboom (

Mixcloud (

Find OER (

Chapter 8

List of OER definitions (

5R Open Course Design Framework by Lumen Learning (

Example of the differences with in the United States about copyright status of government documents (

Creative Commons (CC) license (

CC License Chooser help page (

OER Commons (

list of other resource options with an educational or multi-media focus (

Chapter 9

“Shaming and Framing: Imagining Students at an Education Conference” by Chris Gilliard (

Credly: free service for up to 500 badges:

OpenBadges: widely accepted open credentialing system:

Issuing OpenBadges:

Badgr: free, open-source credentialing system:

Chapter 10

“How to Create an SRT File” by Andrew Meer (

“How to Write an Awesome Video Script in 8 Steps” by Jake Kilroy (

Chapter 11

Official FERPA Recap (

Example of FERPA at a Glance for Faculty from one college (

“15 Social Networking Safety Tips from Norton Security” by Emma Kavanagh (

“5 Do’s and Don’ts for College Students Using Social Media” by Jeff Greer (

Hootsuite (

Known (

Slack (

“Should You Podcast Under Your Real Name, or a Pseudonym?” by Daniel J. Lewis (

What are the Best Alternatives to Facebook? (

Mastodon (

Personal Learning Network (PLN) (

Connectivism (

Sample Connectivist MOOC Handbook (

“Creating a Course Hub” by Alan Levine (

Cultural Awareness Online Continuing Education Course (

Analysis into the Bystander Effect – “Social Media: The Modern Stage for the Bystander Effect?” (

the wisdom of the crowds – “The Madness of the Crowds” by Tim Hwang (

“Codes of Conduct 101 + FAQ” by Ashe Dryden (

“MOOCs and Codes of Conduct” by Matt Crosslin (

Example MOOC Code of Conduct (

Chapter 12

Transforming Business, Society, and Self with U.Lab. (!)

Coaching circles(

coaching circles livestream (

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn (

Mindful Tech by David M. Levy (

Contemplative Practices in Higher Education by Daniel Barbezat and Mirabai Bush (

Stop, Breathe, and Think (

Chapter 13

“Designing a Dual Layer cMOOC/xMOOC” by Matt Crosslin (

“Digging Into What “Choice” is in Customizable Modality/Dual-Layer” by Matt Crosslin (

“Every Choice is Awesome. Every Path is Cool When You’re in #HumanMOOC” by Matt Crosslin (

“Documenting Customizable Pathways” by Leigh A. Hall (

“Dual Pathways in Online Learning” by Leigh A. Hall (

“The Messiness of Online Teaching” by Leigh A. Hall (

“Bridging Learners From Instructivism to Connectivism” by Matt Crosslin (

Example of interactive map of options in one MOOC (

“Visual Flow of Learner Tools in the Dual Layer MOOC” by Matt Crosslin (

“Creating a Self-Mapped Learning Pathway” by Matt Crosslin (

“4 Ways To Bring Gamification of Education To Your Classroom” by Suzanne Holloway (

“Gamification in Education” by Vicki Davis (

Gamification of Learning (

“The Difference between Gamification and Game-Based Learning” by Steven Isaacs (

“Game-Based Learning: What it is, Why it Works, and Where it’s Going” by Jessica Trybus (

Educational Game (

Virtual Reality for Education (

“Real Uses of Virtual Reality in Education: How Schools are Using VR” by Kelly Walsh (

“Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality In Education” by Leticia Lafuente López (

“Augmented Reality Brings New Dimensions to Learning” by Todd Nesloney (

eleVR (

Twine (

eXperience Play (

M-Learning (

12 Principles of Mobile Learning (

“The Ultimate Teacher’s Guide To Creating Educational Apps” by Jeff Dunn (

“5 Simple Tools For Teachers To Create And Publish Apps Of Their Own” (

“Rhizomatic Education: Community as Curriculum” by Dave Cormier (

“Rhizomatic Learning” (

“A Practical Guide to Rhizo15” by Dave Cormier (

“What is it Like to Learn and Participate in Rhizomatic MOOCs? A Collaborative Autoethnography of #RHIZO14” by Maha Bali, Sarah Honeychurch, Keith Hamon, Rebecca J. Hogue, Apostolos Koutropoulos, Scott Johnson, Ronald Leunissen, & Lenandlar Singh (

“How the Community Became More Than the Curriculum: Participant Experiences In #RHIZO14” by Sarah Honeychurch, Bonnie Stewart, Maha Bali, Rebecca J. Hogue, & Dave Cormier (