John MacMillan

Digital education specialist. Photographer. Occasional musician.

…continuing studies

This post is something I am sure I have written somewhere before. I don’t remember what platform it was – I can’t even be sure that I wrote it in a digital format. I’m pretty sure that I didn’t actually post it anywhere.

I am slowly working my way through a post-graduate course, taking modules when they are available and when I have the money to pay for the fees. The hassle and delays of paying tuition fees to a Scottish university might be why I get so annoyed when politicians and the press say that tuition fees have been abolished for Scottish students. They certainly have not, but talking about this further might get too political.

I have completed a PG Cert in Tertiary and Higher Education and I am working towards a PG Dip in Digital Pedagogy. In due course this might lead to an MEd in Digital Pedagogy, but since the earliest I could start a dissertation is January 2021, that is far in the future.

This week is the first week of a module called Digital Literacy and Open Education, two subjects that I have a long standing interest in. I am planning to post some thoughts about the different topics and source in the module, and also begin to look at how my practice can be influenced by these ideas.

I have started reflections like this in the past, but I have often had an initial burst of enthusiasm and ended up distracted or working on too many things at once. Hopefully my interest in this subject will keep me focused on reflecting openly on the subjects. I am under no allusions that these reflections will be of little interest to anyone but myself, but I think the act of reflecting openly on some aspects of practice could be useful for me.